Sunday, August 26, 2012


I finally got the Hunger Games!! All my friends were talking about it at archery, and I felt so sad that I didn't have the DVD yet! Last night, my 12 year old brother and I walked to the store and bought it. And so I'm watching it now. :)

This is actually going to be a serious post, but in a good way. I've been thinking a lot lately about courtship versus dating. I'm still researching courtship, but I definitely am going to go with courting instead of dating. I started thinking about this a few months ago, as I ended a 'relationship' with a boy. We dated for a few weeks, but had some conflicts. The main one was, he was Catholic, but only by the means of going to church once in a while. He didn't really understand why I said or did some things. Because of this, I decided that I am definitely going to "date" (court, now) men that believe in the same things religiously as I do, and act upon them as well. Also, I'm not going to "date" for the rest of my time in high school, because I just don't have the time. (I thought of this before I decided on courting, so it doesn't really apply as much now).

The reason I decided on courting instead of dating, is mainly because, I don't see why you should casually date. It just seems silly, and it doesn't follow what God wants you to do. I believe that one should only date/court someone that they could see themselves marry. I have always been pro abstinence-until-marriage, and that will never change :)

Anywho, I hope that made some sense, and let me know if you have any thoughts on the subject, or experience.

On a complete sidenote, I would love to post pictures, but the pictures I want to post are on my camera, which is currently lost. :( I'm quite upset over that fact. But, I'll post a picture anyway from my computer.

<3 Summer at Cedar Point



  1. Thanks for visiting my site!
    1. You'll enjoy the Hunger Games-so good!
    2. I think you're making a wise choice not to date. This is my personal beliefs as well. The whole dating scene has become a little messed up over the years. God's ways are always best!
    Hope you have a lovely day,
    A Modest Fashion Blog:

  2. Hey Natasha, your comment means the world to me, thanks!
    1. I now LOVE the Hunger Games!
    2. It's been over a year since God gave me this conviction, and it's been working out wonderfully! I am soooo glad :)
    (I love your blog, by the way!)
