Saturday, August 25, 2012

the first post.

Amazed by what?
                             The beauty of God.

But God demonstrated his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
    Romans 8:8

That verse is on my wall, along with a bajillion others.

So I started this blog because I really wanted to, and because I was inspired to by some lovely people from some other blogs.
Shoutouts to:
magnificent obsession
one of ten and loving it
(life is too short not to) wear red shoes
for his glory

:) I was so happy to see that there are other teen girls like me, who were striving to live for Christ, no matter how hard it is in this world. So this is my blog!!

 I suppose I'll write a little about me, so here we go!
1. I absolutely love learning Spanish.
2. I am a senior in high school.
3. I shoot archery.
4. I really love Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, and The Hunger Games.
5. I play flute, piccolo (marching band) and tenor sax. Along with handbells.
6. My church is my second home.
7. I am listening to Tenth Avenue North right now.
8. I saw the Beach Boys in concert this summer.
9. Just now, I had to step away from my computer because there was a giant but on my wall. HUGE! My mom killed it for me.
10. I have a fantastic little brother.

So, I think that's it right now. I really need to finish unpacking from band camp.



  1. Hi Maia. :) I would follow you, but there's not a follower box on your sidebar so it's kinda hard. :P

    and tenth avenue north = awesome!!!

    1. ahhhhh sorry! I'm so new to this, I completely forgot! Let me know if I added it correctly :) And thank you so much!!
