Sunday, September 15, 2013

birthday + college life

Hello Again,
    I obviously am not a proficient blogger, but decided to write another post! We will see how long this goes on. Anyway, I figured today would be a good day because I am 19 now! I can't believe I am in my final year of being a teenager, it has gone by so quickly.
    I have been in college for two weeks now, but I am staying at home. I love that, because I get home cooked meals, and my own room! But the real reason is so that I can enjoy some more time of living with my family and learning the ropes of owning a home. I have been trying really hard to help out with the housework and pulling my weight. It is getting easier now that I have my school schedule worked out for the most part. Also, I still get to go to my home church, and see my friends often. :) I am involved in a small group/Bible study at school, and really like the people I have met there so far.
Overall, it is going well and am glad that I made the decision to stay home.
    Right now I am taking a break from school work and watching Home Improvement :) I am really enjoying my classes so far, and right now I am working on a really interesting post for my Composition class. We have to right about "challenging assumptions" about groups of people or ideas, and I am writing about assuming Black people are African-American and African-American people are Black. It's interesting for me because I am 50% Rhodesian, so technically I could be considered African-American! Hm! Just a thought.
Well, I should probably get back to my work. Or do some chores....
Bye for now!
I shall leave you with a photo I took this past summer.
Kinda tunnel-ish!

Sunday, August 26, 2012


I finally got the Hunger Games!! All my friends were talking about it at archery, and I felt so sad that I didn't have the DVD yet! Last night, my 12 year old brother and I walked to the store and bought it. And so I'm watching it now. :)

This is actually going to be a serious post, but in a good way. I've been thinking a lot lately about courtship versus dating. I'm still researching courtship, but I definitely am going to go with courting instead of dating. I started thinking about this a few months ago, as I ended a 'relationship' with a boy. We dated for a few weeks, but had some conflicts. The main one was, he was Catholic, but only by the means of going to church once in a while. He didn't really understand why I said or did some things. Because of this, I decided that I am definitely going to "date" (court, now) men that believe in the same things religiously as I do, and act upon them as well. Also, I'm not going to "date" for the rest of my time in high school, because I just don't have the time. (I thought of this before I decided on courting, so it doesn't really apply as much now).

The reason I decided on courting instead of dating, is mainly because, I don't see why you should casually date. It just seems silly, and it doesn't follow what God wants you to do. I believe that one should only date/court someone that they could see themselves marry. I have always been pro abstinence-until-marriage, and that will never change :)

Anywho, I hope that made some sense, and let me know if you have any thoughts on the subject, or experience.

On a complete sidenote, I would love to post pictures, but the pictures I want to post are on my camera, which is currently lost. :( I'm quite upset over that fact. But, I'll post a picture anyway from my computer.

<3 Summer at Cedar Point


Saturday, August 25, 2012

the first post.

Amazed by what?
                             The beauty of God.

But God demonstrated his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
    Romans 8:8

That verse is on my wall, along with a bajillion others.

So I started this blog because I really wanted to, and because I was inspired to by some lovely people from some other blogs.
Shoutouts to:
magnificent obsession
one of ten and loving it
(life is too short not to) wear red shoes
for his glory

:) I was so happy to see that there are other teen girls like me, who were striving to live for Christ, no matter how hard it is in this world. So this is my blog!!

 I suppose I'll write a little about me, so here we go!
1. I absolutely love learning Spanish.
2. I am a senior in high school.
3. I shoot archery.
4. I really love Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, and The Hunger Games.
5. I play flute, piccolo (marching band) and tenor sax. Along with handbells.
6. My church is my second home.
7. I am listening to Tenth Avenue North right now.
8. I saw the Beach Boys in concert this summer.
9. Just now, I had to step away from my computer because there was a giant but on my wall. HUGE! My mom killed it for me.
10. I have a fantastic little brother.

So, I think that's it right now. I really need to finish unpacking from band camp.
